The Flexible Endoscopy Curriculum is designed to provide General Surgery training programs with a step wise, milestone based curriculum that includes didactic and hands on training. Upon completion, the resident will possess the knowledge and skill of a Surgical Endoscopist with the ability to provide Flexible Endoscopy Services to patients in the Clinical Settings.
3 Months
Training Topics
- An understanding of the indications and contraindications for performing Upper and Lower G.I.Endoscopy
- Accurate recognition and management of normal and abnormal findings in the G.I.tract
- Recognition and management of complications of performing G.I.Endoscopy
- Safe performance of Upper and Lower G.I. endoscopy including complete navigation of Oesophagus,Stomach,Duodenum and Colon
- Mucosal inspection and recognition of lesions that would require Surgery
- Tissue acquisition using Biopsy &/Or Polypectomy
- Management of Periprocedural bleeding
- Performance of Variceal Banding, Injection Sclerotherapy, Retrieval of Foreign Bodies
- Placement of a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, Self Expanding Metallic Stent etc
Teaching Methodology
- Short Term Program (STP) is based on giving the students wider clinical exposure and Hands-on Training in a particular specialisation
- Continuous assessment and evaluation by the Senior Consultants of the Hospitals/ Clinical sites
- Theory and Clinical examination upon successful completion of the program
Why Choose Us?
- STP will be conducted in Hospitals which are accredited by TAU only as per our Standards
- Training will be given by top Consultants who are Masters in the field with Huge experience
- Our training centres will be only in the major Metro cities.
- Training gives Trainees connectivity to Professional world wide network of consultants of TAU
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